1 on 1 Coaching

Regulate your period.

Stick to it this time.

Heal hormones.

Understand your body.

Maintain energy throughout the day.

Lose the weight.

Focus on real foods (and actually wanna eat them).

Achieve balance and what that means... for you.

Leanne Vogel

Keto may not be for you. There, I said it.

But, what is for you is taking care of your body.

And, understanding your body.

Ultimately? Your body is your responsibility. And, my passion is in assisting women to take on that responsibility so that they can show up more powerfully in their lives. To be of service to their purpose in life, with clarity and confidence.

I’m Leanne Vogel and I do keto a little differently. The ketogenic diet is less so a diet, and more of a metabolic state. Taking the focus off the ketones, and on to the body, what’s happening inside, is the best way I know how to actually help women take charge of their health - hormones, fertility, weight, blood sugar, and inflammation.

If you end up registering ketones, awesome. If we’re guided by your body to go a different route, that’s cool, too.

There are oodles of programs, details, how-tos, and guides out there that tell you what to do with your body. But, very little instruction about how to be with your body.

Our goal post in working together is to guide you to understand your body, so that you never get confused again. So that you never feel lost again. So that you never feel out of control again.

You’ll have the clarity to understand what your body needs, and then do that thing.

What You Will Get with 1 on 1 Coaching


A thorough review of your assessment, symptoms and labs to inform us of the personalized protocol needed.


Weekly check ins and goal assessments will keep us on track and honest with progress.


Unlimited email support for the duration of our time together.

The Timeline

Reserve your spot.

I will reach out to you with options for a start date.

Fill out client assessment form.

You’ll be guided to provide any additional documents that will help me get to know you.

Start our first month.

Includes a thorough review of your intake form and paperwork with a plan developed, just for you. All communication is done via email.

Continue rockin for a total of 3 months.

Each month is complete with unlimited email support, plans and outlines created directly for you.

All slots are full

Please leave your name and email address to be notified when slots open up.


Working with Leanne changed my life. She provided exactly what I needed to be successful in making the changes that were so necessary for my health. I needed personalized guidance based on my specific health needs - peri-menopause, insulin resistance, inflammation, and overall feeling icky. Leanne's 1-1 Coaching provided me with regular accountability, easy to try action steps, and zero judgement! Leanne is encouragement 100% of the way! Using the skills I learned by working with Leanne, I've lost 26 pounds, stopped snoring, and have reduced my hip and knee pain dramatically. I continue to have Leanne's voice in my head, and I'm so thankful!

- Sarah

After 30 years of calorie restricting I could not maintain any weight loss and had issues with metabolism, estrogen dominance and excess cortisol. Leanne was able to tackle these problems head on and quickly began to heal my body with nourishing, whole foods. She got to bottom of why 30 years of dieting had failed and it was so eye opening. I have never been able to eat so much in my life and not gain weight. Thanks Leanne!

- Issa


$350 monthly for a minimum of 3 months.

This is a subscription offering. The initial fee is required to save your spot. Then, $350 is charged to your method of choice each month following. A minimum 3-month commitment is required.

I am looking forward to connecting with you ❤️

Work with Leanne Work with Leanne

*Optional blood work, testing, or recommended supplements are completely optional and whose costs would be in addition to the consulting monthly fee.

Common Questions

When are our meetings?

Once you have confirmed your spot, I will send you all relavent paperwork needed to be complete. Once you have sent me back the paperwork, we begin! I take a couple of days to review your file, then ask you questions to get a better idea on where we need to take things. Then, I present our first set of goals for the week. We email back and forth about this, then you begin! I share with you how to send me your weekly updates. On a weekly basis then, we review items I have asked you to collect, then we make the goals for the following week, and so on.

Can I get a refund after purchase?

As soon as you’ve made the purchase and you have received the intake form, you will not be able to request a refund. This includes the full 3-month commitment. However, if you purchase and before you have received the intake form, you decide it’s not for you, then you can request for a refund, and we will honor it.

I’m not sure this is right for me...

No worries! Send us a message and we’ll chat with you about options and ideas before you commit.